Advertise with Music at asbury!

Advertising in the Music at Asbury program presents you or your business with a terrific opportunity to be exposed to a wide array of over 1,000 potential new customers each year. Your ad is also a great way to show community spirit by recognizing and supporting a local cultural institution. The level of broad-based support that Music at Asbury has received in its first three seasons shows us that the greater Yonkers-Tuckahoe area is eager for high-quality, diverse musical programs that are accessible to all residents. The variety of programming we have lined up and the feedback we have received from our audience members promises to deliver even greater audiences than last year. 
Plus, your support will play an important part in helping to make great music available to ALL!
Sizing and Price
For one reasonable price, your ad will run in all four concert programs. For Ad space we are offering these options:
  1. Inside Front or Back Cover Full Page (5in x 8in) for $225
  2. Full-page (5in x 8in) for $200
  3. Half-page (5in x 3.875in) for $150
We can process payments via PayPal sent to
Checks can be made payable to “Asbury United Methodist Church” with “Music at Asbury” in the Memo Section and mailed to: 
167 Scarsdale Road, 
Tuckahoe, NY 10707
Pick-up of payment can also be arranged by emailing 
Send Us Your Ad Files
High Resolution images (PDF, JPG, or TIF @ 300dpi) of the ads can be sent to or uploaded using the form below.
The Music at Asbury Committee invites you to An Opera Experience: Turandot to benefit the Music at Asbury Free Concert Series